Introducing the Science Alliance

From toxin exposure to extreme stress, firefighters face a unique set of job risks.

We offer training, access to cutting-edge research, and articles from field experts and service leaders.

We’re here to provide fire departments with the information they need to mitigate risks and the resources to build solutions.

We’re bringing science to the stations.

The Science Alliance is dedicated to providing the fire service with relevant scientific findings and health-related resources. We also facilitate the relationship between the fire service community and the scientists who can help them interpret the data they need when developing new policies and best practices. 

Industry researchers have been conducting scientific studies on the health and wellness of firefighters for decades. This network was created to more effectively deliver the actionable information resulting from our scientific findings directly to the fire service branches in need of them.

Now, with The Science Alliance, fire departments across the country have critical tools at their fingertips along with the support of the most knowledgeable experts in the Fire, Rescue, and EMS field.